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Working with Sabina is definitely a great experience. Sabina is a professional, straight-forward yet caring consultant. I appreciate Sabina’s honesty and efficiency. I set my heart on M7 schools, especially on Columbia, when I first started applying for MBA.
The first time I talked to Sabina, she evaluated my experience and came up with clear strategies based on my strengths, and pointed out where I needed to work on more. My work was very demanding, so I wanted to work with a consultant who can give me the most honest opinions, respond quickly, and inspire me during essay brainstorming. Sabina passed all the criteria with flying colors and the decision to work with Sabina was later proven to be right.
I was admitted to Columbia MBA in mid-September 2015, and probably the first admit for Columbia 2016 Fall-term intake in Taiwan. Sabina’s experience and knowledge helped me not only showcase my strengths to the school admissions committee, but also put together a strong application package which stood out from the extremely competitive applicant pool.
As a high-tech engineer who stepped out of comfort zone to purse MBA, I really appreciate that Sabina leveraged her engineering background and combined it with her MBA application consulting experience. She helped me translate my engineering achievements, which were hard to understand, into forms that were more accessible.  She didn’t try to make me look “less of an engineer”, but she used it as an advantage and helped me bring out the business and leadership sides of my daily work, and this is why I think Sabina is an expert in MBA application.
After I got into Columbia, Sabina still kept in touch with me and introduced me to other admitted students and alumni, this helped us newly admitted students to form a supporting group at a very early stage, and I believe we will benefit from it later on as well. Sabina is the consultant who will go the extra mile to look after her clients even after her job is done. The passion Sabina has really makes her one of the best MBA consultants. I am very happy with my result and definitely will recommend her to my friends.

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